Upcoming events will be updated soon

In the meantime, you can see some of our recent past events below

Beginner Course - Spring 2024

The class of '24 have now completed their theory and have also been to practical sessions at the apiary, most now have their own bees.
Good luck to you all
Here are some photos of the apiary sessions, learning how to light smokers, handling the frames, looking for brood, finding the queen, checking bee suits are properly fitted etc.

Candle Making Workshop - Autumn 2023

On Saturday 18th November we held a beeswax candle making workshop. We were taken through the whole process by Janet who explained everything from the time the wax is removed from the hives, rendering, cleaning and filtering. Who knew nappy liners could be so useful for filtering wax? Then once the wax is ready to use it can be coloured if needed.
We selected a mould from the extensive selection Janet brought with her, were guided through preparing the mould, putting in the wick and making everything leak proof. Once we had made one candle we were on a roll and began quite a production line!
Janet was assisted by Jean who made sure there was a good supply of melted wax for us to use.
After a break for lunch Irma brought her dipping tank to add to Janet's and we all made a pair of dipped candles. The selection of lovely candles we were able to take home made us all proud of what we had achieved.
Many thanks to Janet, Jean, Irma and not forgetting Janet's long suffering husband Colin for making this a wonderful day.

Mead Making Workshop - Summer 2023

We held a workshop to teach members how to make mead, our chairman (and very keen mead maker) Paul took the participants through the history of mead making and explained about the various types of mead it is possible to make. After sampling a variety of different meads we went on to make some for ourselves to take home and wait patiently for it to brew before the next stage of adding the flavourings (if so desired) or leaving the mead to finish maturing until it's ready to bottle. Have a look at the photos on our gallery page.

Also see the Photo Gallery for images from the 2023 Extraction Day and Swarm Management Workshop